Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Me and the guy inside me!

Thursday, December 2, 2010
Saturday, November 27, 2010

Sunday, November 14, 2010
Happy Birthday PAL!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Paul Popup's!

Saturday, October 23, 2010
Hibernation Period!

Story of a man who kill another with No Mercy without any good reason.
It’s about a Chemistry teacher who teaches the formula of Life.
The Last Race of the genius who is still very nearer to my Heart R.I.P.
To me it was a normal post; I still don’t understand why people don’t like this?
A prototype of Life without facebook. Wrote on the night when facebook was dead for 30 mins. This was fun!
She was in LOVE! That’s all I can say!
To me it was a sequel, to one of my friend this was one of my horrible piece ever!
A Victim decided his punishment in his own court being himself the judge.
Funny Conversation between Rambo of First Blood and Chuck Norris.
Ok! Story time is over so should we do some work now? Oh Yes! After all I am an Internet Marketing Person as well J
My first ever Guest blog for Pak Mash, It was about the Online shopping Problems in Pakistan.
Online Shopping in Pakistan – A Love with Complications
Ok this was something I was busy with and a lot more is still in progress so will gonna update you soon. For rite now enjoy this and do tell me if you like or dislike any of the post above.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
A Fox and the Horse.

Fox, an animal with four legs, but this is not all Fox is famous for but a lot more like brain and plan plotter. Usually fox is denoted to the humans (females) who play politics at certain levels for e.g home and others. From politics I really mean the politics of Pakistan.
I do agree with all the qualities described above but my observation didn’t stops here, it moves further and explores some different truths and few more characteristics on me.
Not as back as you have to say once upon a time but only move few months back, 3 days before her birthday… She was one of my very good friend (at least I think she was) I called her to celebrate the birthday together… She was excited but she said No as she was busy somewhere…and I said ok let me know whenever you will be free.
Though I am a horse with four legs and she was a fox. Most of my friends told me that she is dangerous and she will ditch you the moment she think she didn’t needs you but I always thought they all are stupid how can an animal ditch an animal… Thant’s true that we are not from the same specie but at least we do have four legs in common at least she is not human… she cannot ditch me.
Guess I was wrong… She called me a day after her birthday as she wants to meet and celebrate. We decided to meet on the north side of the jungle popularly known as Green side.
It was 9:30 PM I was waiting for her at the decided place “Green side”, it was very unusual that I was waiting for her as she is very punctual about time and it’s already 30 minutes late but I decided to stay and wait for her.
I sit on a bench, having her gift in my hand which I brought on the same day facing all the shit of rush hours but still a smile on my face… smile, may be because I am excited but that is what I was at that time. One can easily feel the pureness of friendship on my face and at the same time a monkey through the apple from the tree. It was him “askale”, (Popularly known as the messenger in our jungle). He came down and come nearer to my ear and delivers me her message.
“She is tired and can’t come!” It could be the day of death for Askale but I controlled myself and realize the importance of me in her life.
I was standing and her gift was still with me wrapped in a red and white gift paper and a card written “for my best friend”. I was finding a mirror to see myself in it and tell myself “Fucking Fool”. I take the gift out of the gift paper and throw is hard on the tree as it break in to millions of small pieces and this is how I celebrate her birthday!
I don’t know what she wants and I don’t care now of what she wants as I am finally out of the trauma. I don’t know if I am a friend of her anymore or not but she teaches me a lesson not to trust anyone, no matter how close you are.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Flood in Pakistan – From My Eye
But my question is different? I do realize the seriousness of flood and how many people are actually suffering from this. But still my point: Is Flood the only killer of those hundreds of innocent people of Pakistan? And if you think yes! My friends think again.
Humans from all over the world, and I really means human not those who have M4A1 in their hands, who can kill Palestinian children but still they are innocent and their spiritual leaders says to RIP off these evils from earth… Bloody Vampires oh let me call it Innocent Vampires… anyways… the humans and human lovers sent their contribution and aids but do the effected people actually got that? Or its available for sale in the markets?
According to the government officials there were like 42 medical camps available one particular area (don’t really want to disclose the area) but when one of my friends with his team visited that area they found themselves the 1st team to setup the medical camp. The government is helping the flood victims on the papers may be but the only problem is these people are really down to ground so this documentation shit wont gonna work anymore, I can understand this… when a government will? That’s my question?

Look at the picture above! If you are not going to help them today in this time. If you want business from the aid. Honestly I pray to GOD next should be you.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Pre-Independence day Assessment – A Black coffee with no Sugar

August the 1st, few more days to go for the big day. The independence day of Pakistan. The day when people of sub-continent acquire the fruit of the several years of the continuous struggle.
I appreciate it, we get the day off to celebrate it, national songs, prayers, promises and few bunch of idiots come on TV and give some idiotic speeches… but are we really good?, do we really care about our independence day? And questions to some wanna be burgers… do you really know why we get the day off on August 14th?
Don’t you think we get the day off not to celebrate but for the assessment of who we are? Where we should be and what we are doing in the name of Islam, Muslims and two nation theory?
Come on! Let’s do that today! Let’s start the assessment of what we are doing and what we should do!
I live in a city where people die more than the people live. I live in a country where an idiot come on TV and say “Degree is degree… no matter fake or legitimate.” I live in a country where people are more excited about “Expendables” release more than the Independence day of Pakistan. I live in a country where the special trained dogs cannot even detect the planted bomb what a normal human with little experience can. The funny thing is the man who detect the bomb get the transfer letter as an increment, appreciation or whatever you call it.
60+ Years of Independence and we are standing nowhere! Simply nowhere in the list of successful countries. I live between the people who think kissing a snake is bravery (bull shit). We are one of those people who cannot think anything good about other people. I live between the people where a 17 year old kid shows the original iphone 3GS in his hand when his father is only a mediocre level worker at Income tax office and I am one of those people who knows everything but don’t want to speak, don’t want to change, don’t want the betterment. We all are the barking dogs.
Today after 60+ years of our independence, we are more illiterate, more corrupt, more violent, more disgusting and more revolt. Today I see myself standing nowhere. Today I am guilty, because when the police asked me for a bribe, instead of stand against him I give him the bribe. I am ashamed of myself and I have several reasons for it. Here I am standing today.
Now, where I will be? Am I going to change myself?... Are we going to change our self? Don’t know about you but I have already lost my 1 teacher and 2 friends who stand out for a change and what I get is shit. I have seen the mothers who lost their child for no reason.
I am guilty, and this is where I am standing, cuz every time I think of a change. I got the clear picture of my father who worked day and night for my batter education and comfort… I don’t know what I should do but one thing is definite I am a guilty bull shit.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
What is SEO? The Most asked Question!

It’s irritating when people ask you about your education, result and job, at least for me it is!. Especially when they asked what do I do? I humbly replied, “SEO”. And the next question without even waiting for a second is, “What is SEO”? This is probably the more common question then “What is your name”?
Without the discrimination of any experience or age or anything all the SEOs will defiantly gonna agree me that this is the most common question as per their professional life. “What is SEO”? lol… and every time we need to play the same recording, the definition available on Wikipedia in order to stay away from other interrogative questions.
Every time we need to start like, “Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of improving the visibility of a web site or a web page in search engines via the "natural" or un-paid ("organic" or "algorithmic") search results.” Normally people do not ask any question after this in order to maintain the impression that I can understand whatever you said.
I still remember the 1st time I started the internship of SEO and tell my mother about it, she said, “(esy-hi-ho) in English “of no use”. Though it is funny to some extent, but very irritation when you are in love with the search industry or even you like it.
Once I tried to make my younger brother understand about what I do! I said look you Google things right? You get the top 10 listings on the 1st page right? Yes, he said. What I do is I work over the website in such a way that it can get the top 10 rankings in Google from that particular term. (For me I guess it was pretty much cleared) He said, “So, by this you mean you cheat Google...Right?” Damn!
On, my first salary I took my few friends for the treat and as usual hey asked the same question and I find the easy way out and start the SEO rhyme (a definition for wiki) once again. As soon as I finished one of my friend said, “whatever!... you got the good salary right! Now treat us”
I remember, once my office friend decided to resign and I asked a valid reason for that? He said, “Man every time I decided to learn a new technique the next day Google change its algorithm!” He probably hates Google for this but I love it.
I don’t really get any idea to by pass this most common question of my life which always makes me irritated. Do you have any idea? Please speak up!
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Yet Another Journey Ends…

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Thursday, July 1, 2010
Degree is Degree!

Degree is Degree, no matter fake or legitimate. This is the saying of one of our ministers in Quetta, Mr. Aslam Raisani. You might be shocked and surprised but I am not and before you come up with the question that do I have the fake degree? So before you ask let me clear this thing that I am an idiot so I am struggling for a degree.
While me and a friend were waiting outside the office washroom (A usual practice) he asked, “When these ministers are going to educate themselves?” and I replied, “My friend you need to grow up and as far as the ministers are concern the government officials are well educated even some on the higher ranks (may be, president) are over educated.
The fake degree, mobile snatching, target killing, bomb blast and other non-humanitarian activities are actually our culture, and PEMRA “Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority” in calibration with the private channels wanted to demolish this culture like the opposition wanted to demolish the government before their usual time (5 fuckin Years). I support opposition; I always support opposition no matter who they are? At least they are doing their work (Opposing the government).
Yes I agree, Degree is a Degree, nothing else. Degree does not make any difference its money; degree does not make you powerful its PR (Political Relationships). So what if you have the legitimate degree? I can show you thousands of people in a county with the genuine degree but are jobless. Show me one person who is jobless with a fake degree!
It may be hard to believe that degree is nothing but a fuckin piece of paper (pardon my language). What all I want is to reconsider few factual problems in Pakistan, two of the most highlighted problems are child labor and Jobless MBAs. Let’s cut the crap that what we can do for them and all but see these problems from the different angle. Look, children have jobs and MBAs are jobless that’s because degree is degree, nothing else, degree is a fuckin piece of shit, degree is not going to give you money or job or financial success.
What can give you above mentioned pleasures? That’s what you have to figure out! Remember a normal person with no schooling is illiterate but a wealthy man with no schooling is a dropout!